Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Improving Her Skills

We are very proud to say that we have enrolled in two classes to improve our writing and business skills at https://www.coursera.org/. They offer free classes online to help people improve on their interests. Quilting is one of our passions, writing is another. Writing can be a  wonderful adventure but frustrating if you lack grammar skills. We hope this class in Basic Writing will help us improve.
It started yesterday, you do have time to enroll if you are interested. The best price tag ever-FREE!

The second class we enrolled in begins next week and it is to help your business plans become more productive, on target with your audience. Our Dad has his own business but we really aren't much help and that is about to change. We are going to try to be more involved so hopefully this class will give us the stepping stones needed.

Today's goal is to finish our paper piecing. We prepared the copy paper by piercing it with the sewing machine along the lines but Mom really had a bad headache so that is as far as we got. She took her meds and slept most of the day unfortunately after she did her initial participation class work on the first day of the Basic Writing.

We were very lucky last night to have missed the frost. It was down to 39 degrees a bit on the cool side for our garden but everything looks like it made it. Hopefully this is the last of the cold weather and we begin our warming cycle.

What do you hope to accomplish on this beautifully bright day? I'll supervise Mom for awhile but I know that the sun's rays on the deck are beckoning me. Hope your day is filled with goals accomplished and time to enjoy the beautiful day.

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