These are the two blocks we did together. Mom does seem to be improving on her points. Of the two squares I like the double star more. I have to admit once we got going the flying geese were easier than I thought they would. Of course the instructions on the video helped us immensely understand how to do the blocks. Thank goodness for Craftsy, we learn so much over coffee in the morning.
Just an update on the fish tanks, everyone seems to swimming and eating happily. I hope this means all the hard work at the beginning of this week paid off. Mom's neck muscles ached like crazy from all that lifting of the buckets of water to empty and fill the tanks.
The tanks look pretty amazing if I do say so myself. We do have one more tank to go that Mom thinks we should also had the under gravel filtration to and that is the loach tank. If you are unfamiliar with loaches they look eels. Loaches can grow to be nine inches long, ours are about five inches right now in a iridescent pink color. They have some tell tale markings on them but overall they look alike. Ours are named Voltimore, Draco, Snipes and Dumbledore. Guess, you probably noticed we are also Harry Potter fans.
We had Harry, Ron, Hermione, George and Fred but they came down with this thing ick and we lost them. Thank goodness we haven't had to go thru that again with the goldfish. Belachick, Ginny and Dobby are still with us. My big brother Chris is giving Mom his 30 gallon tank and we are going to restock our goldfish.
The rain was ridiculous at times yesterday. It came down so hard and then the sky would clear to a beautiful blue. Then before you knew it was pouring again. We are hoping our young plants can handle all this wetness. The herb boxes on the deck rails look like they faired well but the tomatoes look a bit droopy this afternoon.
I am really glad Mom did not offer to share her dinner. The smell of swiss chard steaming is not an appealing smell to us felines. We all wrinkled our noses and departed the kitchen leaving Mom to her own devices. What adult would voluntarily eat swiss chard for dinner with a slice of garlic bread. Nothing else, just those two things and be happy.
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